Kioku tea

Kioku tea New release

Cultivated at the University of Tokyo joint research farm

This is a tea made by roasting whole peanut stems, leaves, and roots.

This is kioku tea used with peanut stems, leaves, and roots.

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This used whole peanut stems, leaves and roots. Kioku tea world-first

World-first! Kioku tea New release! We are conducting metabolome analysis in collaboration with the University of Tokyo.

We should make the power of peanuts grown from our "particular soil" a daily habit.

The peanut is an ingredient that is attracting worldwide attention for its polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and diet, beautiful skin, prevention of dementia, prevention of heat stroke, etc. Recently, research conducted by Professor Emeritus Masaru Tanokura of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo has revealed that the stems, leaves, and roots of the peanut have effects comparable to those of peanut nutrition (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activity, sleep improving effect, anti-arteriosclerosis, anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, and anti-inflammatory). We thought that by roasting the whole stems, leaves, and roots to make tea, we could consume these nutrients in their entirety, and the result was "Kioku Tea".

leaves: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory activity | stems: Sleep improvement effect | roots: Anti-Arteriosclerosis, Anti-hypertrophy, Anti-diabetic, Anti-inflammatory
No allergens were detected in Kioku tea.

Kioku Tea made from peanut stems, leaves, and roots has been tested by the Hiroshima Environmental Health Association Food Inspection and found to contain no allergens. However, peanuts may be mixed in during the manufacturing process, so those with peanut allergies should refrain from using this product.